Mining Support
Dr. Sauer & Partners provides state-of-the-art design solutions and on-site construction support services to the global mining industry based on its vast tunnelling and shaft sinking know-how.
Dr. Sauer & Partners provides state-of-the-art design solutions and on-site construction support services to the global mining industry based on its vast tunnelling and shaft sinking know-how.
Access tunnels, shafts, ventilation adits, mucking routes, underground welfare facilities, and other mine support structures are often constructed through difficult ground conditions.
The New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) or SCL/SEM approach is a safe and cost-effective tunnelling method developed for difficult ground conditions. It allows tunnels and shafts necessary for mine development to be built quickly and durably to sustain mining operations over many years. Dr. Sauer & Partners has a proven record of delivering tunnelling and mining projects around the world. We specialise in the design of complex underground structures and have comprehensive know-how and understanding of: